“Metamorphosis” is an installation of photographs and videos that materializes the inseparable human bond with the environment and its complex network of natural, cultural, biological and interspecies relationalities.

This body of works proposes a way of thinking outside the logic of a dominant human story to recognize how everything is interconnected. What would happen if we stopped considering matter as an inert, unorganized substance? What if we abandoned the idea that nature is the setting of our lives and understood its intrinsic and fundamental relationship with our entire existence? In times when human activities are responsible for serious ecological and political conflicts, “Metamorphosis” invites us to rethink ourselves as something not separated from our environment: “there is no environment -no surrounding life-”, says the Italian philosopher Emanuele Coccia, “there is only a flow, a continuum whose act of metamorphosis we are.”

Motivated by a profound personal observation, “Metamorphosis” rethinks the pictorial concepts of self-portrait and still life to produce compositions that share a sensorial and affective knowledge capable of exploring the coexistence and mutual affection between bodies and zoological, biological, climatic, biographical and technological entities. Metamorphosis is collective, inevitable, permanent: we are world.

Solo Show | Usina Cultural, Villa María, Argentina 2024